About TasFungi

The Tasmanian Fungi website is a not for profit online resource for sharing information on the identification, ecology and taxonomy of fungi (more specifically Tasmanian fungi), including Slime moulds (Myxomycota), and on the application of this knowledge for the cultivation, remediation, medicinal and other roles they play in our culture.
This website was created as a backup to the TasFungi Facebook group created by Dr Genevieve Gates, and arose from feedback from those wanting information, but not wishing to use social media. It has the same aims of linking the general public and citizen scientists, with qualified mycologists and fungi events. Sharing this information between these groups is invaluable to increasing the current knowledge of our ecosystems, perhaps the key to sustaining the astounding variety of life of which we are a part.
If you are needing a fungus identified you can use the website's IDENTIFY IT page, join the TASFUNGI Facebook Group or to Contact US. There are also mobile apps such as iNaturalist that may assist you, plus other websites.
Help Fungi Conservation - Contribute your fungi sightings to the Fungimap Project on iNaturalist where your photos may help to further scientific knowledge of fungi.
On the TASFUNGI Facebook Group members are encouraged to also post photographs, particularly of local Tasmanian species for identification, as many species of Australian fungi are thought to be yet unknown to science.
This website is run by a volunteer so please be patient if you have not heard back immediately.
For information on poisonous mushrooms please contact: Poisons Information Centre - 24 hour Telephone Advice Line on 131 126
TASFungi Admins

Dr Genevieve Gates is a mycologist with the University of Tasmania (UTAS) and has also spent more than 15 years studying fungi. She co-authored the book A Field Guide To Tasmanian Fungi and The Entolomataceae of Tasmania.
In 2022 Genevieve was awarded the Australian Natural History Medallion for her contribution to: 'Mycology, in Fieldwork, Education and continuing involvement with Citizen Scientists'.
Genevieve runs the Tasfungi facebook group and is the subject matter expert for this website and the Tasfungi Facebook group. See what she does at: http://www.utas.edu.au/tasmanian-fungi/home

Charlie Price lives in Tasmania and has a constant thirst to learn more about our delicate ecosystem and how it all works. Charlies explores the Tasmanian forests any spare time she can muster. She's an amateur fanatic photographer with a macro lens and a passion for contributing as a citizen scientist as much as she can by exploring, photographing and documenting each find. She helps admin the “Tasmanian Fungi Facebook” page, a role she cherishes in helping others learn about the fascinating organisms, offering assistance on the more common species members find and ensuring the group guidelines are upheld. Her favourite role is using the member's contributions (photos) to create weekly featured fungi group banners with relevant information, for everyone to learn and admire.

Heather Elson studied environmental science and shares her passion for fungi as a science educator, raising awareness of fungi through writing, fungi events and as an admin for the TasFungi website and Facebook group. In 2021 she founded Far South Fungi to support fungi research and education. A perfect day is spent looking for fungi on her property in Tasmania where she studies the fungi found there.